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We hope the brief summary of these systems below will aid with your enquiry.

Please note, there are many factors that may influence your system requirements and options.

Your property size, water supply, land size, land gradient, local council, soil type and elevation all have to be considered when creating your report.


Thankfully, we are here to help and can recommend the most economical and practical system for you.

Home Sewage Treatment Plant HSTP   - Aerated with Sand Filter

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These systems produce Advanced Secondary quality effluent and are a single tank solution plus an inground sand filter bed.


They use a pump and require quarterly servicing.


They treat 1-15 bedroom houses and can utilise the lowest setbacks possible.


We are proud to be the authorised distributor for Envirotech Products.


We can organise plans, council applications and complete installation.


Contact us for a free site inspection.

Envirotech Treatment Systems

Home Sewage Treatment Plant HSTP   - Aerated with Blower

These systems produce Advanced Secondary quality effluent and are a single tank solution.


An air blower and pump are required as well as quarterly servicing.


They treat 1-8 bedroom houses and can utilise the lowest setbacks possible.

Taylex Tanks Wastewater Specialists

Septic Systems - Gravity and Pumped

This is the oldest type of system and is commonly found in older established unsewered estates or rural acreage.


The treatment is Primary quality and must always be disposed of below ground.

They have the largest setback requirements of all systems.


Advantages are lower potential long term running costs.

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